Batch7: Legendary Belgian Beer and Unfiltered Groupies

Published: Aug. 30, 2016, 9 a.m.

Cheers Tap Heads, we hope you have a cold one on-hand. Thanks to listener Drew our beer of the week is St. Bernardus Abt 12, a true Belgian Quad. Listener Elvia wins the official Unfiltered Gentlemen coasters and gives us a great hetero hypothetical. Sports news with Kwame Brown's comeback, Tony Romo's fractured career, Colin Kaepernick is making people angry, Jason Pierre-Paul's club fist, the end of the Olympics and more. In the news; a fake delivery driver is stealing beer, a woman attacks her husband for drinking her beer and Anthony Weiner is back at the dick-pics. Chick of the week is Lizzy aka brew.babe on instagram.

Old Timey Word of the Week: "Dewdropper". Use it in a sentence on social medias for a shout out!

Make sure you check us out at,, @unfilteredgents and TheUnfilteredGentlemen on Instagram! You can also call in (805) 538-BEER, we'd love to hear from you!