Batch24: Hoppy New Beer & Luponic Lineup

Published: Dec. 27, 2016, 8:10 a.m.

Cheers and happy New Year to all the Tap Heads! It's The Beer Girl has her review of Holidale from Berkshire Brewing Company, and she likes more than just it's name. Mike is back for another holiday episode and Greg needs some tips for San Diego drinking. The gentlemen do some very important beer science with Luponic Distortion Revolution 001, 002, 003 & 004. In the news; Cascade Brewing is looking to expand distribution, New Holland Brewing is partnering with Pabst, Urban Chestnut Brewing is letting the customers chose the beers, sad news for craft beer and much more. Scott comes through with a claustrophobic Tales from Uber. Beer Babe of the Week is Kitty Craft, follow her on Instagram @mermaidontap.

Old Timey Word of the Week: "To Give Someone The Wind". Use it in a sentence on social medias for a shout out!

Make sure to get our new Beer Science ringtone, search the iTunes store or And don't forget to check us out at,, @unfilteredgents on twitter and TheUnfilteredGentlemen on Instagram! You can also call in (805) 538-BEER, we'd love to hear from you!