Episode 402 : Chris E.W. Green - Transfiguring Doubt

Published: March 27, 2023, 9:52 p.m.

b'Here is the latest session of our online study of Chris Green\\u2019s new book, Being Transfigured, in which we talked about doubt.
Here are some of the quotes from the chapter that we cited and discussed:
\\u2022 Grace cannot save us without first losing us, which means grace always makes things awkward.
\\u2022 Not all questions are faithless. And sometimes, in fact, the only faithful response to truth is confusion.
\\u2022 If we\\u2019re honest, we\\u2019ll have to admit that much of what passes for doubt is nothing but honest hesitation, the inevitable upshot of generations of poor or bad teaching, teaching which trades in simplicities and cheap certainties, often eschewing pain at all costs, leaving us to feel that our salvation depends not on the mystery of faith, sustained by God\\u2019s devotion to us, but on our own grasp of our own beliefs or on the intensity of our desire for religious experiences.
\\u2022 We have to be saved from \\u201csimple faith.\\u201d But not so that we might have \\u201cgreat faith.\\u201d That, too, always proves false. We need, instead, \\u201cthe faith of God,\\u201d which is what is left of our faith after it has been purged by the Spirit.