Episode 280 - Douglas Harink: Resurrecting Justice

Published: Oct. 9, 2020, noon

b'\\u201cBoth sides are thinking that some how or another getting this or that party elected is good for Christians. I think my point of view is neither side is good for Christians. Because effectively they have become idolatrous powers that christians are looking to for salvation\\u201d

What is Post-Liberalism?
What does "apocalyptic" mean?
How is justice central to Paul\'s understanding of the Gospel?

Our guest today is Dr. Douglas Harink, a theologian whose work has been important to me for a while now and who intersects with many of our favorite folks like Stanley Hauerwas, Karl Barth, and Fleming Rutledge.

Douglas Harink (PhD, University of St. Michael\'s College) is professor of theology at The King\'s University in Edmonton, Alberta. He is the author of Paul Among the Postliberals and 1 & 2 Peter in the Brazos Theological Commentary on the Bible. He is also the editor of Paul, Philosophy, and the Theopolitical Vision: Critical Engagements with Agamben, Badiou, \\u017di\\u017eek, and Others.'