(GER) Maria strives for trust and solidarity after the crisis

Published: June 1, 2020, 8 a.m.

My name is Maria, I am 28 and I work as a language teacher in Berlin. I see many things in these times that can positively influence our society.  I think, for example, that we normally live in a very routinised world, getting up, going to work, to university, studying, etc. This crisis, this quarantine, has pulled us out of it and held a mirror up to us. Suddenly, all the problems that our society has had are much more visible. We suddenly see the homeless, the loneliness and the fragility of the old people in the elderly homes. Suddenly we see the loneliness of children who cannot cope alone without the help of adults, without the help of teachers to learn. I believe there is a great room for development and improvement in our societies. I hope that after this crisis we continue to think about the vulnerable people, the so-called "group at risk". That we do not ignore them. Myself, I write postcards every week to my friends who are isolated in elderly homes. The big challenge is to continue to maintain trust and solidarity after the crisis.