(FR) Anonymous from Mayotte on the impact of France decisions on its oversea-departments

Published: April 15, 2020, 7 a.m.

Hello, Thank you very much for inviting me to the group, I am in Mayotte. For those who do not know Mayotte, it is a French island. Suddenly here we are confined as in France, and here in Mayotte there in the event of death, the situation is not easy. Firstly because the living condition is difficult, being confined is very difficult. But on my side, I try to stay at home, I try to respect the instructions, like my neighbors, it's the same thing. It's complicated, really, really for me too, please stay at home. It's complicated, the disease is dangerous. We have to follow the instructions, we have to respect all advice given to us, wash our hands every time, not to group, and it will be fine. So, here in Mayotte, we always stay at home, even if there are people who do not respect, but on my part I stay at home even if it is difficult.