49. And I Couldn't Help But Wonder...

Published: Oct. 18, 2021, 5 a.m.

On this week’s episode, Chatrice and Luis talk about one of their favorite television series: Sex and the City. Since last time, Luis visited their new therapist twice already and for Chatrice she is exploring a shared calendar with her boo. For the main topic, our hosts talk about when they were introduced to Sex and the City, their Sex and the City-esque New Years, and their favorite moments throughout the series.

Time Stamps:

0:19 - Hello and Welcome Back

2:55 - Shout out to therapist who do their practice with equity &  justice in mind

11:43 - Luis finds out Chatrice’s boo is an Aquarius!

15:57 - Holidays We Are Celebrating: October is National Kink Month; Sweetest Day is October 16th

19:23 - Main Topic: Sex and the City

19:52 - Sex and the City first aired in 1998 features Carrie Bradshaw and her three friends 

20:48 - Why Courting in Color is talking about Sex and the City

21:19 - What did Sex and the City mean to the hosts in 1998?

23:53 - How old were the hosts when they were introduced to Sex and the City? 

26:23 -  Luis talking about watching Sex and the City more in grad school to learn about dating

28:04 - TBS aired syndicated episodes of Sex and the City but were the edited/censored episodes 

29:11 - What was the grip of Sex and the City for people of color?

29:31 - Connecting to “Girlfriends” for Chatrice

31:39 - New York is the fifth character of Sex and the City 

36:07 - Chatrice and Luis celebrate New Years together Sex and the City style

37:24 - Are our hosts more of a Carrie, Miranda, Charlotte, or Samantha?

40:14 - The queering and othering of Miranda throughout the series; the other character’s access to feminity in comparison to Miranda

41:52 - The Carrie Diaries on CW

44:56 - The show asked big questions, as did our hosts before they started Courting in Color podcast 

47:50 - A Luis Fave Scene: Samantha and “Hold My Rice Pudding” - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n2u57bgUjSM

48:41 - Sex and the City and communal aspect of food and strong friendships; Luis wanting that in their life

50:43 - In real life, who would our hosts be friends with?

52:09 - Shout out to Stanford Blatch and Anthony Marantino

53:57 - Vulnerability, care, supporting each other through major life events is what the girls’ friendship was about 

54:56 - Favorite Scenes

55:05 - Luis’ Favorite Scene: Carrie Gets Ditched on Her Birthday: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ofTAgvr8R48

56:26 - Luis’ Favorite Scene: “Maybe we can be each other’s soulmates” - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sQ-PzM4WnAI

57:25 - Luis’ Favorite Quote: A Plane Ride Away - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OVdYiNhOYgY

1:00:28 - Chatrice’s Favorite Scene/Quote: Charlotte’s “My Hair Hurts” - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-JVeFRRLdAc

1:01:13 - Chatrice’ Favorite Quote: “I’m Looking for Real Love….” - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m5ax4dohrX0

1:02:45 - Chatrice’s Favorite Scene: Charlotte Gets Engaged to Harry and Carrie Gets Broken Up via Post it - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vPhCvyb5jeQ

1:04:33 - More to discuss: the runner ups - characters the main 4 were in a relationship with (Samantha and Maria; Miranda and Robert)

1:06:28 - End of Episode


Sex and the City via IMDB - https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0159206/

Sex and the City TBS Promo (2005) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z5DdhL5r-Uc

Website: courtingincolor.com / Email: CourtNColor@gmail.com / Instagram: @CourtNColor

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