19. Thank U, Ex

Published: Nov. 23, 2020, noon

*This week’s epsiode is released during Thanksgiving, read below on other ways to acknowledge the fourth Thursday of November.* On this week’s episode, Chatrice and Luis talk about being thankful for past flames and past exes…and food! Luis craves ham only on Turkey Day and Chatrice talks going over to family functions where you would prepare your plate to go as you were getting your plate to eat. Chatrice tries to find positives and moments of gratitude in dating and relationships. Luis is grateful for exes even though last week they dragged the exes. If you learn lessons from exes, are you indebted to them in some way? How do you find gratitude in a failed relationship, Courting Cuties?

- “Finding Gratitude: In Failed Relationships” by Barbara Coleman - http://www.middlesage.com/finding-gratitude-failed-relationships/
- “Why We Should Be Thankful For Our Exes” by Kate Ferguson - https://www.bolde.com/thankful-exes/

With this episode being released during the holiday known as Thanksgiving read more about the Day of Mourning and Thankstaking.
- National Day of Mourning: http://www.uaine.org
- Thankstaking (via @amrpodcast): https://www.instagram.com/p/CH1JvVnlJV3/
- Un-Thanksgiving: https://www.colorlines.com/articles/unthanksgiving-indigenous-peoples-sunrise-ceremony-honors-resistance-over-revisionism

Website: courtingincolor.com / Email: CourtNColor@gmail.com / Instagram: @CourtNColor

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