To All The Boys 3: Always Woah Woah Woah Forever No No No - Episode 118

Published: Feb. 21, 2021, 9:16 p.m.

Stanford, UC Berkley, NYU We’ve got another case of chasing-my-SO to college. Lovey Covey can’t decide if she’ll pave her own path in New York or learn the art of the long-distance commute. We’re back to watch the FINAL movie of the "To All the Boy" trilogy. It’s the end of another C&D Classic, so we had to do something special. Hence, B-I-N-G-O. Who will win? Mark your cards, and stick around for bountiful baked goods, boring montages, and boys being absent. We ARE the leading ladies, but you're welcome to follow in our footsteps.  Which rom-com leading lady are you? Take the quiz, and tweet us your results: Also Mentioned: Slytherin Girl's YouTube Channel: Follow Us:  Check out our website: