Episode 185: Favorite Horror Movies of 2020, Including HOST, FREAKY, THE INVISIBLE MAN

Published: Jan. 8, 2021, 12:06 p.m.

For many people, 2020 was a real-life scary movie, but through it all, viewers and creators made sure that horror cinema was alive and well. When theaters closed, drive-ins opened. When film festivals couldn't happen in person, they took place online. When movie sets weren't operational, films were made from the safety of homes. 

Like life, horror finds a way (as Dr. Ian Malcolm might say). Even in a year like 2020, there were still a bunch of new horror movies to watch and diverse filmmaking voices to be heard, giving Corpse Club co-hosts Heather Wixson, Scott Drebit, Bryan Christopher, and Derek Anderson plenty to talk about when it comes to their favorite horror films of 2020. From Scare Me and Sea Fever to Host and The Invisible Man, listen as the co-hosts discuss the horror films that enthralled, enlightened, and entertained them in a truly unforgettable year.