Introduction to Coronavirus COVID-19 by Dr Seshni Moodliar-Rensburg

Published: March 21, 2020, 11:15 p.m.

Im Dr Seshni Moodliar-Rensburg and I’ve been talking about Coronavirus-COVID-19 for 7 weeks now since the outbreak in China, Wuhan. I’m probably one of the most knowledgeable doctors and psychiatrist around and have been educating , supporting people , professionals and communities globally. I’m going to share my knowledge , reduce the panic , fear and anxiety around Coronavirus. I urge you to listen, share with your family , loved ones, family , friends , communities and people globally. Reassurringly the mortality rate is 3.4% according to WHO since 3/3/2020 so good news is that most of us who get it will live. Those that are elderly and have underlying conditions are at risk if dying, by respiratory complications, will need ventilators, ITU bed in hospitals, so we need to act now and prevent the spread by staying at home or self isolating if we are a high risk. The message from WHO Dr Tedros and his team is clear -governments need to act now and implement lockdown as a measure -1 test , test , test-we need to test suspected cases -2 containment -we need to contain the spread and reduce risk of getting it and prevent deaths and save lives -social disengagement and social distancing -stay at home Together we can overcome this. Together we can heal this world like I'm heal Jackson said. and we are not walking alone in this . I’m optimistic we can cope with this pandemic and will share over 20 episodes of radio I’ve done with 1 Hospital radio Bedford NHS with Opoku Opare and Valma James and Geoff White 2 BBC Three Counties with Nana Akua 3Trevor Blackman on Maritime Radio 4Peter Allton on Diabetes and Coronavirus at healthradioUK 5 Lurlive with Leonard Tshabala 8-10 pm in Luton 6 AUK Valma James Luton 7 Salaam radio with Sukhi Wahiwala Thank you for listening and sharing is caring so share with everyone Namaste -The divine in me honours the divine in you