Ep. 2-Jennifer Fink: Pandemic: Avoiding a Mental Breakdown at Home

Published: March 29, 2020, 1:32 p.m.

Isolation for Jennifer is a natural habitat. With a special skillset to deal with the Covid-19 pandemic as someone who is used to working remotely, she is still finding it difficult and provides some tips to adapting time management in the home environment.

Coping with the crisis is not easy. She shares some tips on handling kids including teenagers in these uncertain times.  She provides insight into the challenges she endured as a homeschooling mom and how she learned to relax to prevent burnout.

Jennifer thinks she may have picked up the virus on a trip in the Caribbean in February which might provide immunity for her, but she won’t know until she is tested. As a health care worker, she strongly feels there is a need for the government to have a coordinated crisis plan to prevent unpreparedness.