Extinct Animals - Special Earth Day episode

Published: April 21, 2019, 9:03 p.m.



Happy Earth Day, listeners! On this special episode we talk about four cool animals that have been impacted by humans and climate change: the dodo bird, Tasmanian tiger, white lemuroid possum, and Fernandina giant tortoise.\\xa0 Through hunting, climate change, introduction of non-native species, and more, these animals have been brought to the brink of extinction, and sometimes even have gone extinct.

We end this episode with practical ways that you can make a difference for animals and for our environment.

By the way, the 200 million number on straws is probably very low--but we can\'t find an accurate number for how many straws are used every year.\\xa0

What are your ideas for what you can do to protect the environment?\\xa0 Let us know at coolfacsaboutanimals@gmail.com

We also want to hear your audio clips of animal facts or questions. Send them to us at coolfactsaboutanimls@gmail.com. If we get enough, we will make your clips into an episode!\\xa0

Thanks as always to Ear Snacks for our theme music. And thanks to all of you for listening, rating and helping to protect our environment!

