Led Zeppelin: Sound And Fury, Author Neil Preston, Talks To Me About The Band, His Career and Stevie Nicks

Published: April 18, 2013, 3:08 p.m.

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Just visit Neil Preston's website www.PrestonPictures.com and I promise you, you will see a photograph you recognize. That is just how much Neil Preston and his iconic photographs shaped generations. I can't tell you how excited I was to talk to this guy. His eye, the way he can capture something on film, digitally, it's more than a gift! Think about that for a minute. I looked at his gallery on his website and recognized image after image after image. Somewhere in my brain his work registered in my long term memory;) That's a pretty unbelievable accomplishment for someone I had never met personally. An image, not unlike music, art, it can affect you, sometimes whether you realize it or not. It get's you on a soul level. Since about 1970 Neil Preston was pretty much the exclusive photographer for Led Zeppelin. He toured with them, he was behind the scenes with them and he saw things that none of us would ever see. As he said in the interview when I asked him about some of those things, he said "I was starting to make him blush." His new book Led Zeppelin: Sound and Fury is available now in the iBookstore at: www.iTunes.com/Bookstore for only $9.99. It contains 250 photographs with 100 never before seen. He included content sheets so you can actually see his process (that is what the interesting part is to me), there are stories, and history, and everything you love about an interactive book experience. This is one of those interactive books you need to buy for yourself or gift a friend with i.e. a photographer, a band member, a fan, or just someone who likes to see the way things work. Visit Neil Preston's website too at: www.PrestonPictures.com and be sure to click on the gallery tab.