TREVOR NEWLIN, Resident Wookie, Actor, Online radio personality, Streamer, Podcast host, Tall human being

Published: Feb. 16, 2021, 1:31 a.m.

TREVOR NEWLIN,  Resident Wookie, Actor, Online radio personality, Streamer, Podcast host, Tall human being

 Born and raised in Texas, Trevor Newlin left his small hometown to pursue a career in film and television in Los Angeles where he now resides. Trevor never knew he would be as tall as he is and that has aided him in the industry allowing him to be on a variety of sets as a creature. Most notably, Star Wars: The Mandalorian as a Wookie. Outside of screen acting, Trevor also is a radio personality for the online station TruckersFM. He has been with the station for over three years. He also has a podcast called Film Detectives which he cohosts with Elliot Herman. Trevor has always loved creating content and that led him to start streaming on twitch under the name Tex, his dj name, where he plays his radio shows live for viewers to watch and interact throughout. Trevor loves the arts. He wants to be a light in the artistic world that brings people joy and helps them through tough times. Trevor could never do anything without his unending support from his family and friends. He is thankful for all of them and is excited too keep creating every day he has the opportunity!





