NEIL KITCHING: LIVE FROM SCOTLAND; Solving our CLIMATE Crisis; Author, ‘Carbon Choices’

Published: Aug. 15, 2021, 7:12 p.m.

NEIL KITCHING: LIVE FROM SCOTLAND; Solving our CLIMATE Crisis; Author, ‘Carbon Choices’

Climate(TIME running out), Energy Specialist (water and heat) Author, "Carbon Choices;" Univ. of Edinburgh; Poverty Alleviation, UN Climate Change Conference, Nov. 2021 Glasgow (COP26)

 #climatechange  #climatecrisis  #climatechangesolutions climate books,  #climateeducation

CONTACT INFO; website: synopsis, testimonials and blogs:

@carbonchoicesuk (twitter)

@carbonchoices (instagram)

@carbonchoices (facebook)


BIO: Neil Kitching is a geographer and energy specialist from Scotland. He has written his first book, Carbon Choices on the common-sense solutions to our climate and nature crises. He works for a public sector agency promoting the opportunities for business to benefit from low carbon heating and water technologies. Neil had a mid-life career change from accountant to working in sustainable development then energy. This book arose from Neil’s frustration that so many people lack a basic understanding of climate change and its serious impacts. Education is the first step towards taking action.