JORDAN SKOPP; Foul Ball Safety Now; Realtor, Philanthropist, Life-time Baseball Fan; Leading Fight to eliminate 'Baseball Rule'

Published: Nov. 18, 2021, 4:58 a.m.

JORDAN SKOPP; Foul Ball Safety Now; Realtor, Philanthropist, Life-time Baseball Fan; Leading Fight to eliminate 'Baseball Rule'


BIO: Jordan Skopp is a realtor, #philanthropist and life-time baseball fan from #Brooklyn New York. Jordan is leading the fight to enact legislation to eliminate the #Baseball Rule, adopted decades ago by courts and a handful of state legislatures, which holds that fans injured by high-speed foul balls cannot receive compensation in court, no matter how badly they are hurt, so long as the home team has taken minimal steps to protect spectators. Jordan is the Founder of dedicated to increasing fan awareness of the dangers of foul ball injuries