JON D’AMORE; Bestselling author from New Jersey who “did it himself”

Published: July 1, 2021, 2 a.m.

JON D’AMORE; Bestselling author from New Jersey who “did it himself”


BIO; Jon D’Amore was born and raised in Hudson County, New Jersey during the historic eras of the 1950s, ‘60s and ‘70s…and only a tunnel ride away from midtown Manhattan. He was immediately consumed by entertainment, education, and growing up in a culture and heritage few have ever experienced.

While touring as a musician during the 1970s, Jon was also a feature writer for New Jersey’s third largest newspaper, The Herald News, simultaneously allowing him to enjoy the best of his favorite worlds; playing rock & roll…and writing.

Nineteen-eighty-five brought a new side to Jon’s life. He stepped away from the music business, used the skills acquired as a stage performer and writer, and stepped into the corporate world. Fourteen years later, Jon realized he didn’t want to grow up to be like the people he was working for…so he drove to Los Angeles and spent 18 months writing his memoir, The Boss Always Sits In The Back, and the next 13 years working as an editor and script-doctor for Hollywood studios and production companies.

The Boss was released in May, 2012. What followed were four years of coast-to-coast book readings and signings, TV appearances, and multiple print and radio interviews.

Wanting to give his new fans a follow-up, Jon knew Deadfellas would offer a satirical turn by bringing together everyone’s fascination with the Mafia and the popular world of zombies, a genre that never dies. During interviews in 2017, the author was asked why he chose Deadfellas as his second book. He responded with, “I’ve never been happy living in the box others deemed to be the norm. So why would I start now?”

Upon the release of his third book in 2018, The Delivery Man, Jon said, “There are no mobsters. No zombies. Just some good ol’ vigilante revenge…and saving America from Russian and North Korean nerve gas attacks.”

After three books that kept readers on the edge of their seats, in April, 2020, Jon again changed genres with As Long As I Have Lips, a romantic comedy set amid the advertising and cosmetic industries, and the attraction older women have of younger men. In December of 2020, he released the drama Rubdown, a story of innocence, sex, betrayal, romance, trust, murder and secret identities.

What does the future hold?

One thing’s for sure, Jon’s already writing the next book, and the odds are good that it won’t resemble any genre he’s previously given to the public.

In the meantime, Jon’s currently listens to rock & roll music all the time.