FLOBO BOYCE: Comedian; Author, ‘Graduation Day;’ Broadcaster; Digital Marketing; Wrestling(fan); MFA, Film Production, Chapman Univ,'10

Published: Nov. 28, 2021, 10:12 p.m.

FLOBO BOYCE: #Comedian; Author, ‘Graduation Day;’ Broadcaster; Digital Marketing; #Wrestling (fan); MFA, Film Production, Chapman Univ,'10

BIO: Flobo Boyce, a #Brooklyn -born, Los Angeles based comedian and Master of Ceremonies. You may have seen him on FOX, the unofficial Bring The Funny Aftershow , the unofficial WWE RAW and NXT Aftershows (AfterbuzzTV), or seen him on tour at a standup comedy show. He does a lot.

Graduation Day: Real-life is far more interesting than a single speech given at commencement. Award-winning comedian and presenter F. Flobo Boyce felt the same way when he sat in a humid auditorium on his own graduation, some years ago.

In the hilarious and touching memoir, Graduation Day, Flobo shares the outrageous (but true) experiences that have shaped his unique outlook on life.

It's proof that learning doesn't stop after receiving your diploma!

CONTACT INFO:  Flobito.com



GRADUATION DAY (book) “Life lessons from the Real World: by Flobo Boyce on AMAZON: https://amzn.to/3c7uSdt

Award Winning Host

2021 NYX Award

2021 Viddy Award

Esports Shoutcasting/Announcing

Rocket League Is the game

Can talk about the rise of e-sports as well

Work at Spotify as a co host for one of their Original Wrestling podcasts "MackMania" in association with The Ringer