EP29 - The Notchs - (Educational Disrupters) - Conversations with Calcaterra

Published: Feb. 11, 2017, midnight

“Focus on the finish line. That finish line isn’t moving it’s waiting for you!” – Ronnie Notch “It’s all about planting seeds and when you plant those seeds you get the chance to watch the tree grow and the fruit is the students through where they go! Later we’ll see the seeds they plant through the universal language that is music.” – Tiffany Notch What advice or tip did you receive in your youth which helped you throughout your life? This wisdom from our mentors helps to shape us to create something bigger than ourselves. Tiffany and Ronnie Notch has taken this principle and have turned it into a program centered around music education for youth of all levels and have branded it “Notes for Life Arts and Technology.” The program is available in schools throughout the United States, libraries, scouting troops and its signature program at Microsoft stores. Their grassroots effort currently fueled by a team of volunteers is helping to shape young minds giving them tools which not only relate to music. Whether they work for an established company or become an entrepreneur the spirit of collaboration fostered in the program will allow them to interact and grow with others throughout their lives. Find out more about this innovative program - http://www.notesforlifeat.com/ Visit Ken @ www.kencalcaterra.com and on various social media outlets and please share and comment on the show. Special Thanks to show sponsors: Dales Music – 314.895.3403 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XWfJ70-SmUY Ben Sturgell – www.bensturgell.com – Featuring Ben's song "Sound the Alarm” Kevin Blomenkamp – Master Jeweler – 314.346.6498 – ballpeen74@yahoo.com Dr. Mark Holland – www.chiroandrehab.com and www.mystlouischiropractor.com – 636.946.7777