EP19 - Alan Carter - (Healer) - Conversations with Calcaterra

Published: Oct. 27, 2016, 4:25 p.m.

Alan Carter is a man of many talents with a lifetime of experience as a martial artist, police officer and most passionately as an herbalist. Ken speaks with Alan about herbal tinctures and his time in Bosnia where the French speaking Belgian Army played a prank on him. Visit ken @ www.kencalcaterra.com Special Thanks to our sponsors who have helped to bring you this episode. Dr. Mark Holland of First Capitol Chiropractic www.chiroandrehab.com, www.mystlouischiropractor.com - 636.946.7777 Kevin Blomenkamp - Master Jeweler 314.346.6498 - ballpeen74@yahoo.com Ben Sturgell - Musicbox www.bensturgell.com https://songwriter.amplifiertv.com/channel/Ben+Sturgell+-+Music+Box