Tap Your Own Psychic Power to Create the Life You Want!

Published: June 20, 2011, 7 p.m.

Tap your own psychic power to have the life you want!
Psychic – means “of the soul” so what we are talking about is living your life from the platform of your true self, which is a soul, or spirit .  Furthermore, spirit is energy.    By energy, we mean light, photons, particles, waves. Quantum physics shows us very clearly that energy responds to thought and emotion.   Glenda Haines and psychic Korina Kelkers begin this most fasinating and important discussion on how you co-create your world and how connecting to your psychic power gives you the power to create purposly.   This is only the beginning of this incredible and important discussion where the wisdom of quantum science and spirit combine to give us the real secret to powerful living!