Simon Thompson: Podcasting Content Strategy – Episode 30

Published: Aug. 16, 2018, 7:21 p.m.

Simon Thompson Simon Thompson runs an agency in Melbourne, Australia, that focuses on helping B2B businesses add podcasts to their content marketing mix. Simon and I talked about: his transition from print media to digital his work doing content marketing for big brands in an agency setting his transition to running his own agency why he focuses on podcasting as the core of his content-marketing services: it brings focus to his professional practice podcasting is a uniquely engaging format, typically consumed when folks are not distracted by other media how podcasting is a "notoriously hard channel to measure" how inviting influencers and potential customers on to your podcast can help the sales team the importance of a content-first approach when selecting podcasting topics and guests tricks and techniques for measuring podcast content ROI the difficulting of gathering detailed data from podcast hosting and syndication services how a podcast is "more of a branding and thought leadership and credibility building tool than it is a straight-out lead generation channel" how a podcast can be a "credibility indicator," helping you demonstrate your trustworthiness how to repurpose podcast content into other types of content how giving a freelance writer a podcast transcript instead of a conventional story assignment can result in much better stories the benefits of creating social-media posts, email, and other promotional content along with your podcast how to promote your podcast content how a podcast can be analogous to a logo - you know you need it, but it can be hard to quantify the ROI of the effort how to show numbers-focused managers and stakeholders how podcast content can feed the sales funnel how to map podcast content to the customer journey the commoditization of B2B services and how to stand out by sharing your unique perspective and personality Simon's Bio Simon Thompson is a podcast content marketer, and founder of Content Kite. In past roles he has worked on major content projects with publishers such as Daily Mail and MSN, and brands such L’Oreal, Nissan, Disney and Nike to name a few. He now focuses solely on Content Kite, helping B2B companies establish authority and build relationships through podcasting. Video Here's the video version of our conversation: Transcript Larry: Hi, everyone. Welcome to episode number 30 of the Content Strategy Interviews podcast. I've got with us today Simon Thompson. Simon is a content marketer down in Melbourne, Australia, and he runs an agency called Content Kite which is a content marketing agency focusing on B2B customers. I'll let Simon tell you a little bit more about what he does. Simon: Thanks very much for having me, Larry. Glad to be on. So, yeah, I started out a career in content marketing, or rather advertising and media in the realm of print media, but not in the kind of fancy, glamorous print media magazines that you might be thinking of. It was while I was in a sales role and we were selling print ads to construction and architecture companies for the companies that were specifying hexagonal screws for big building projects. So really industrial, kind of boring, at least for me, print media. Simon: Needless to say, I did learn a lot about, I guess, the basic principles of content marketing throughout that role. And I won't dwell too much on that, but it eventually led to a role at a company called Ignite Media Brands. And they were essentially the content solutions house for brands like MTV, Nickelodeon, FX, which was like a branch of Fox in Australia, and a number of others. And so I worked on a number of great projects there. Simon: That company ended up going under shortly after I joined, which was unfortunate. However, that was kind of a blessing in disguise because it led into a role where I really sort of cut my teeth in content ma...