RECLAIMING MANHOOD - pt4 - Reclaiming Your Power

Published: June 30, 2021, 5:03 a.m.

b'In \\u201cReclaiming Your Power\\u201d, Rodney shares that, in the Bible, Samson lives a life inconsistent commitment to God. He was a man used at times of God with great displays of physical strength; yet was often found to be morally a weak and spiritually frail. He struggles with sex, money, and power. Our lives much like Samson, is a life of contradictions. What God intended for us to use for good, we will often abuse, misappropriate, and misuse. A lifestyle of continual sin will leave you powerless. But, Samson\\u2019s story is one of repentance and redemption. After a season of brokenness, Samson\\u2019s heart of commitment and power returned, and you can reclaim your power too. When you humble yourself God will lift you up.'