LESS CHANCES...BETTER CHOICES - pt1 - Solving Your Next Big Decision

Published: Oct. 27, 2020, 5:09 p.m.

In, “Solving Your Next Big Decision”, Rodney shares that each of us, at various times have to make significant choices in our lives. What is the big decision you have to make right now? Is it looming over you? Are you avoiding it? The good news is you can feel confident that there is a solution for helping you make your next big decision. Who you let speak into your life influences the direction you travel. Many people rush into situations that they regret because they never stopped, stood, and waited at the crossroads. Whose opinion are you seeking? Who are you asking for advice? When you follow some basic principles when faced with a big decision you can feel at rest in your soul. Listen to God’s voice. Look for God’s guideposts to guide you. Ask godly counsel for advice and follow it. Don’t live life as if you are leaving it up to chance. Better choices lead to better outcomes. Solving your next big decision is easier than you may think.