LEAD the WAY - pt4 - Process, the Daily Grind

Published: Aug. 25, 2019, 11:18 p.m.

In “Process, the Daily Grind”, Rodney shares that there are no shortcuts to becoming the leader God wants to develop you into being. God’s work in you is a process. Too many people are waiting for a windfall (event) to come when they should be more concerned with daily deposits (process) and investments into their future. The work of process can be seen in the three lives of Noah, Joseph, and David in the Old Testament. The process to be a success is a grind. So, dig deep. Accept the process. While you are waiting for your circumstances to change, God is waiting for your circumstances to change you. The secret of your success is found in the daily grind of becoming a better leader and disciple of Christ. What you think is God’s punishment may actually be God’s process. The work that God has begun in you will continue until the day of Jesus’ appearing. Champions are committed to a culture of process. So should each Christian and every Church.