COME - pt1 - Come

Published: April 29, 2020, 3:02 a.m.

In “Come”, Rodney shares that the cry of the Spirit of God and the Church is for everyone who will to come and experience the fullness of Christ and everlasting life. The promise of Jesus to anyone who accepts him as Savior and Lord is one day to experience the actual return of Jesus, as the exalted Christ. Then he will take us to live with him forever in heaven. But, many have forgotten that are home is not here. The Christian is destined to live with God in heaven. Having experienced the richness of coming to Jesus, those who are now adopted into the family of God can pray aloud, “Amen! Come, Lord Jesus!” The hour of the return of Jesus is closer everyday. This could be the day that God begins the final countdown to the end of the world. For the skeptic they may have questions about last day events, but for the Christ-follower we joyfully await his return and shout aloud, “Amen! Come, Lord Jesus!”