COME CLOSE - pt6 - Shine

Published: Feb. 9, 2021, 12:55 a.m.

In “Shine”, Rodney shares that so many times people enter relationships trying to change the other individual. We feel we can help the other person. Our action show we think the other person is flawed and somehow we can fix them. Sometimes you may be tempted to even treat God this way. But, you don’t make God better, God makes you better. You don’t change God. God changes you. The changes may go unnoticed to you and seem incremental, but others will often notice God’s work and changes in you before you do. When you approach God regularly overtime God’s life begins to shine through you. What occurs in your alone time with God in a spiritually intimate setting, will eventually be recognizable on the outside. Maintaining your shine, the kind that honors God, requires you coming close to God regularly.