The Western Wall Part 5: Yeshua and The Western Wall - English and Spanish

Published: Jan. 5, 2024, 1 p.m.

b"The Western Wall \\xa0 Part 5: \\xa0 Yeshua and The Western Wall \\xa0- \\xa0English and Spanish. \\xa0The Western Wall is an awesome structure in the center of Jerusalem's Old City. Some people think that the wall is proof that Yeshua is not the Messiah. Why do they claim that, and why is their objection not valid? \\xa0Translated from a podcast originally posted on March 17, 2021.\\nEl Muro Occidental Parte 5: Yeshua y El Muro Occidental - Ingl\\xe9s y Espa\\xf1ol. \\xa0El Muro Occidental es una estructura impresionante en el centro de la Ciudad Vieja de Jerusal\\xe9n. Algunas personas piensan que el muro es una prueba de que Yeshua no es el Mes\\xedas. \\xbfPor qu\\xe9 afirman eso y por qu\\xe9 su objeci\\xf3n no es v\\xe1lida? \\xa0Traducido de un podcast publicado originalmente el 17 de marzo de 2021."