The Western Wall Part 3: What is The Western Wall - English and Spanish

Published: Dec. 15, 2023, 1 p.m.

b'The Western Wall \\xa0Part 3: \\xa0What is The Western Wall \\xa0- \\xa0English and Spanish. \\xa0Millions of people around the globe have heard of the Western Wall. It is one of the most recognized historical sites in the world. \\xa0But what exactly is it? Translated from a podcast originally posted on January 27, 2023.\\nEl Muro Occidental\\xa0 Parte 3: Qu\\xe9 es el Muro Occidental\\xa0 - Ingl\\xe9s y espa\\xf1ol. \\xa0Millones de personas de todo el mundo han o\\xeddo hablar del Muro Occidental . Es uno de los lugares hist\\xf3ricos m\\xe1s reconocidos del mundo. \\xa0Pero, \\xbfqu\\xe9 es exactamente? Traducido de un podcast publicado originalmente el 27 de enero de 2023.'