The Three Weeks of Mourning for The Temple  Part 2:  Hezekiah and the Battle for Jerusalem -  English only

Published: July 4, 2023, 10:13 p.m.

The Three Weeks of Mourning for The Temple  Part 2:  Hezekiah and the Battle for Jerusalem -  English only.  July 6, 2023, marks the commemoration of The Fast of Tammuz. On that date almost 2000 years ago, the Roman Empire broke through the walls of Jerusalem before burning the Temple to the ground. The Babylonians destroyed the Temple 500 years earlier on the same day. But 130 years before the Babylonians destroyed Jerusalem, the Assyrians also attempted to conquer the city.  God rescued Jerusalem and King Hezekiah from the Assyrians. But that story set in motion a prophecy about the future destruction and redemption!  July 1, 2023.