Robert Chestnut: More to the Story

Published: May 18, 2021, 1 a.m.

Award-winning California native actor Robert Chestnut was born in Los Angeles but grew up in the Redwood Forest of California. Although his family had a clothing business, Chestnut knew from a young age that acting was his calling. Having the full support of his parents, Chestnut was professionally trained at the Lee Strasberg Institute. He first gained notoriety for his role as Ken in the Daytime Series Days of Our Lives, but found himself soon owning a business and having to make the tough decision between pursuing his dreams and keeping the business going. Chestnut's hiatus was not in vain, and he is back in the film industry, having already won Best Actor for his role in the short Sunny Na film, Carma. Chestnut is an empath, and with the skills he has learned from greats such as Stella Adler, he is able to pull out raw emotions and go to depths in a way that is untouched by his peers.

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