Paul Bongiorno The 2020 Joan Kirner Social Justice Oration

Published: Nov. 17, 2020, 5 a.m.

b'\\u201cAfter a surprise election victory in May 2019, Scott Morrison thanked the \\u2018quiet Australians\\u2019 for sticking by his side. Since then, it appears that our government is hell-bent on making the entire population quiet. Journalists are being pressured by the Australian Federal Police to cooperate or feel the force. There\\u2019s been talk of outlawing group boycotts. Children finding their political voice are being told to go back to school. When New South Wales and Queensland were on fire we were told that now is not the time to talk. But the community sector won\\u2019t be quiet Australians. We will continue to talk, and our voice will be heard."'