The Great Triumph Of Jesus Christ Is His Resurrection From The Dead

Published: April 21, 2019, 8:01 p.m.

b'The Resurrection of Jesus Christ from the grave is the Apex of Christianity. If Jesus Christ was not raise from the grave, we as Christians are on our way to hell, and the rest of the world also. I guest you could call the heart, the apex of the body. I think I\\u2019m safe in saying you are not going to live without your heart in your body, period. So the Resurrection is the heart of Christianity and if it is a lie Christianity dies off, and is proven to be a lie.

If some one wants to disprove Christianity the first thing they will attack is the Resurrection Of Jesus Christ. Some will say that he never died which is laughable. Some even believe in the swoon theory were he merely passed out, or fell unconscious.

Some say that Jesus was not Crucified which proves there ignorance in history and the Bible.

The great thing about the 4 gospels is that they all tell the same story with no contradictions.

It has been said that \\u201ca\\xa0story\\xa0has five basic but important elements. These five components are: the characters, the setting, the plot, the conflict, and the resolution.\\u201d When we look at the 4 gospels we see the characters, the setting, the plot, they conflict, and the resolution which is Christ the hope of Gory.

If the gospel writers had conspired to deceive us there would be many discrepancies and inconsistencies after years of examination of the evidence.

When ever people think that they have found what may be appearances of discrepancies, after a closer examination there were none.'