The Devil Does Not Have Any Power Over A Believer

Published: Aug. 18, 2019, 8 p.m.

b'There is no competition between God and Satan. Satan is a created being. God is Self-Existent which means he has always existed.
This is one of the incommunicable attributes of God Almighty.

Another incommunicable attribute of God is Omnipresence, and His Unchangeableness. He is the same today, yesterday and forevermore.

Some people when they think of good and evil they say it is Satan against God. It is no struggle for God to destroy Satan, believe me.

And in the future he will destroy him for good. God has a time frame and a perfect Will for everything He does.

So for the believer if God is living in you then Satan is no competition. Our flesh that we gratify is the problem. Not if the devil can make the Believer do anything.

But if we allow the Holy Spirit to crucify our flesh daily so we may resist the devils enticements.'