296: Clients & Support

Published: Feb. 12, 2019, 12:30 p.m.


-Joe is broadcasting from the passenger seat of the RV as he deals with a host of hardware problems

-A company called Twelve South created a product called AirFly that’s perfect for using your AirPods on an airplane: https://www.twelvesouth.com/product/airfly

-Jerry is working with a new client who has a current consultancy that holds all the credentials close to the vest and it presents its challenges

-Methods of doing business becomes a hot topic as Joe & Jerry talk about navigating those waters with clients

-Working with resellers or other companies that may operate differently can cause confusion and add complexities working with the client

-Jerry compares the work at times to being a refrigerator repairman

-Sometimes in our line of work, feeling appreciated is a rarity

-“You don’t *** with the computer guy” - Jerry Zigmont

-Some clients just want to game the system

-Jerry has some good stuff to say about the TidBITS Content Network.  All of the CCP team put it to good use and you can too: https://tcn.tidbits.com/

-While we are on the subject of clients, Joe & Jerry talk about methods and styles of communication