Episode 20 - Stephen King special

Published: Sept. 20, 2016, 11:04 p.m.

In episode 20 (20 EPISODES?! That's crazy!) of the CTGY podcast, Rich and Kelly celebrate by discussing a whole bunch of Stephen King movie adaptations and books. Just in time, too, as the 21st of September is Stephen's birthday! Movies discussed in this episode include IT, Misery, Cujo, Christine, Sleepwalkers, Stand by Me, Cat's Eye, Creepshow, Silver Bullet, The Dead Zone, The Shining, Maximum Overdrive, The Running Man and Salem's Lot. Very brief mentions also include The Mist, Secret Window, 1408, The Green Mile, Thinner, Needful Things, Firestarter, Carrie Pet Sematary (episode 13 is dedicated to that film). Also discussed is the shocking fact that Kelly has never seen Big Trouble in Little China. Is this worse than Rich never seeing The Silence of the Lambs? Listeners chime in on Twitter to give their thoughts. Also, you should let us know! Lastly, other topics include a brief rant regarding Kelly defending the new Blair Witch, an Annabelle 2 teaser, The Bye Bye Man trailer and.. 50 Shades Darker...? As ever, if you enjoyed this episode please let us know! You can rate, review, subscribe, follow, comment, email and tell of all of your friends.