Dr. Jeff Knight ON: Tragedy early in Jeff's life left him with deep wounds, but healing came as Jeff learned to Trust God and listen to His voice. ...

Published: May 21, 2020, 5:43 p.m.

Dr. Jeff Knight ON - Jeff was introduced to tragedy early in his life, his sister Kim was killed in a tragic automobile accident and shortly after as his family was suffering through deep pain and trauma his parents divorced. Without the foundation of family and home Jeff was used to he watched another of his sisters begin to lose herself in her battle with drug addiction. Jeff was determined to learn from the mistakes of others and the tragedies that life had handed him, to do this he learned to look to and trust in God. I have known Jeff for years and seen first hand how he has dealt with and met head on pain and suffering and because of faith he held onto during the darkness he was surrounded by, Jeff is now the first person to Show Up when anyone he knows is in trouble. The empathy he now has the capacity to offer is magnetic and when Jeff shows up with love to lift another, the power of God is with him and miracles happen. I personally am a first hand witness of this as Jeff helped to rescue me from my darkness and alcoholism, bringing love and worth to me when I had none for myself. Jeff speaks about trusting in God, the power of prayer and direction that God brings to life when you pray, listen and follow promptings that come. He also talks about losing yourself in service to others, and surrounding yourself with people that lift you up. Dr. Knight is a Chiropractor and just opened a Non-Profit Organization that specializes in serving kids with Autism. Learn more about the amazing work Dr. Knight is doing by checking out his podcast: The World of Autism https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-world-of-autism/id1546530400 or by visiting the website to his Chiropractic Office, True North Chiropractic. https://truenorthchiro.com/  Jeff is a very wise man, he makes the choice to live with Delight each day and lives a life that inspires and uplifts those around him. His energy is contagious and his Dance moves are magical. Enjoy!!