48. Rosie Card ON: Starting her company Q.NOOR, creating Women's clothing, including LDS temple dresses. Rosie's enthusiasm for life and love for Humanity is inspiring. Fun conversation about Women!

Published: May 12, 2021, 10 a.m.

Rosie Card, Author, Blogger, Podcaster, Business owner, Dog lover, Started the company Q.NOOR in 2015, after sitting in the Temple and recognized that the women’s temple dresses were uncomfortable to wear and looked very outdated. Research has proven that when women feel comfortable in what they are wearing, they actually learn more because their minds are able to focus and engage more efficiently.  Feeling lead to take on the challenge to make women feel better in temple clothes, she approached a temple worker, Sister Samuelson, who empowered Rosie by listening to her and encouraging her to do it. Rosie mentions that the moment she shared with Sis Samuelson in the temple could have “squashed” her belief in taking on this project, but instead she encouraged, supported, and empowered Rosie to do it.     Great lesson for us all when we think about our relationships with others. Are we lifting and inspiring people with our words or are we “squashing” belief. Rosie then talks about her journey creating her new clothing line Q.Noor and how it has not only grown in to a temple dress company but a women’s clothing line.  Because of Rosie’s strong belief and faith in Jesus Christ she has determined in her life to recognize what Jesus Christ would do and who he would serve if He were here on the earth Himself. She has used her “platform” to speak up and stand up for women, marginalized groups and others who feel in a way cast out by society. I encourage you to follow Rosie on Instagram @rosiecard , the is full of light and her love for all of humanity is contagious.      Rosie also shares her feelings about culture and how we can make sure to include all people, including single adults. No value is lost because a woman is not a mother, no value is lost if a man is the stay at home parent. Love, is willingness to learn, listen, and grow, and if we do that we recognize that all people are of infinite value and worth, and we can learn from them. Badges, titles, popularity, do not matter… hasn’t history clearly proven that when someone puts all of their time and energy into reaching certain “statuses” in society, they sacrifice the most important things to get there i.e. family, marriage, service opportunities?      I love the way Rosie talks about Heavenly Mother. We often talk about Heavenly Father but we cower to let the word Heavenly Mother out of our mouths and use ideas like “she is too sacred to talk about” to keep us from talking about her as a foundational truth. Jesus, was born to a mother, He spoke to His mother while on the cross and asked His disciples to “Behold thy Mother” telling them to see her, and then after His death and victory over the grave the first person He appears to is Mary, a woman.     I really enjoyed our conversation about some of the traditions we hold onto for no reason other than that they keep us comfortable and they fit into mainstream society. So many of these things need to change so that more people feel seen and heard. LOVE!  We men can do a better job following this council from Rosie, “Hype the women around you, make room for them, and listen to them.”, I couldn’t agree more, and truly appreciated the opportunity to learn from Rosie and talk about so many important topics soul to soul.      Rosie, you are an incredible woman, with so much love for Humanity. Thank you for sharing your story and so many important ideas with us, inviting us to love unconditionally, and to seek out those that feel like they belong on the outside and bring them in. Keep up the great work, you are making a huge impact!     Q.NOOR website: www.https://qnoor.com     Follow Rosie on Instagram @rosiecard, @q.noor