Come Back To Your Senses

Published: Nov. 14, 2013, 8 a.m.

b'Many previous episodes covered topics about how to experience greater enjoyment and well-being. To end the season, I offer you a summary of some of the fundamental tips and suggestions for achieving happier, healthier ways of being. Concepts like: accepting the natural cycles of ebb and flow, self-care as a life-line to well-being, building blocks for healthy relating, honoring yourself by setting healthy limits, listening to your body, and the grace of humility. Previous podcasts are available 24/7 in ITunes and through Voice America Variety until February 15, 2014. New episodes & archived shows will be posted on my website as they become available. To stay up-to-date with new activities, services, and coaching sessions contact me at or drop by my website. I appreciate you, the listeners of Come Back To Your Senses Radio, and remain your ever grateful host. Until next time, I encourage you to relax and enjoy your life.'