Eating Through The Holidays and Amanda Donahue

Published: Dec. 1, 2020, 8:32 p.m.

Jay wants to make sure there is a **WARNING** at the beginning of the show notes letting everyone know we are talking about food for an hour so if you are hungry you should get something to eat. 

This week we bring back the official dietitian of Coie's Questions  to talk all about eating healthy during the holidays and how to go about getting back on track if you don't eat quite so healthily. Any conversation about food would not be complete with out mentioning Courtneys new bff Eric and how he taught us about the Oreo Challenge. Listen to that episode here. We are still waiting on Jay to post him doing the challenge and something tells us we are going to be waiting for quite awhile. Amanda is back to talk with us all about mindful eating, holiday foods and smells, and how food is a social thing more than we realize. Don't worry y'all, she isn't going to make you give up all the good things in the name of being healthy. Amanda wants everyone to know there is always room for everyones favorite food. Spoiler Alert she is going to remind y'all to focus on those veggies, healthy carbs, lean protein, and portion sizes. Jay wants everyone to know he wants plates full of steak. What else is new? 

Amanda talks again about how there isn't really "bad foods" there are energy dense foods and slowing down while eating helps a lot. Jay struggles with that concept while Courtney shares about how she doesn't like her food to touch. Yes really, and she totally would be down to use a divider plate so if you know where to get one let us know! We talk about mindful eating, how to outsmart the buffet, and a dietitians super sneaky tip for all meals. If you take one thing away from this episode Amanda wants you to know not to skip meals. That isn't going to help anything. 

We have a discussion about dark chocolate and Jay says no men keep that in the house it's for girls only so if you're a man that keeps dark chocolate in the house please let us know, and if you don't want to be like jay you can get some dark chocolate here and we will be giving some away in our ultimate Christmas guest giveaway. 

Jay says he feels like he is having 'food confession' and even starts it with forgive me dietitian. We talk about substituting in holiday baking and Jay points out a banana will never taste like a steak. For anyone who thought it might. Amanda tells us about a 5 ingredient banana pancake we need to try and that leads us to finding out Jay has no idea who Jack Johnson is and really needs to listen to Banana Pancakes