Aphantasia and special guest Izzy Levin

Published: Sept. 1, 2020, 10 a.m.

This week join us as we talk all about Aphantasia and  Courtney wonders if she has this condition as well. While Izzy explains Aphantasia to Jay he starts to feel like something is wrong with his brain because he doesn't have any issues visualizing with his minds eye. He actually has a very vivid minds eye and can even smell and taste things he imagines.  Courtney and Izzy bond over their love of Reddit, Jay tells his mom he has not forgotten about how much she hated it when he dug trenches in her rose bushes, and Courtney talks about her imaginary dog Purple that changed colors when wet. Courtney asks Izzy if she has ever had a paranormal experience, an invisible friend, or an ice cream headache and swears she really does have a point to these seemingly weird sounding questions. She also needs to know what y'all call it an ice cream headache or brain freeze. By the end of the episode Jay can finally pronounce Aphantasia. More information as always at our extended show notes at coiesquestions.com/aphantasia