Words of Knowledge in Evangelism

Published: Aug. 22, 2020, 11 a.m.

b'There is a moment in evangelism where we are talking to the person and seeking the Lord for wisdom on how to proceed. Sometimes a word of knowledge is the key.


Open our mouth and watch God work;
Establish rapport in Evangelism;
Rapport removes rocks of offense;
Banner blindness mentality in evangelism;
Different sources for words of knowledge;
Not everything in the spirit is from the Throne room of heaven;
Our deceitful heart Jeremiah 14:13-14 and Ezekiel 13:2;
Demons and familiar spirits;
The person projecting in the spirit;
Nathaniel under fig tree or woman at the well;
Heb 5:12-14 senses exercised by reason of use!;
Heb 4:12 maturing in Word and Spirit for discernment;
Developing a relationship with God in the green season;
Discerning the source of supernatural knowledge;
The farm smell example of recognition;
Fort Hood shooting spirit of murder;
Lady with elevated emotion over break up;
Word of knowledge was a Divine Appointment;
The Projection Game;
2Ki 4:27 God hid word from Elisha;
2Ki 6:11-12 God allows Elisha to hear across great distances;
1 COR 14:39 earnestly covet to prophesy;
Joh 16:13 Spirit of Truth shows us things to come;
Word of Knowledge example in a restaurant;
Romans 12:6 prophesying in accordance to faith;
Gideon developed his relationship with God over time;
Individual words are rare in scripture and have to do with God\'s plan;

Enduring Tribulation

Podcast with Susan on spirit led evangelism;

Stephen Barret Prophetic Evangelism

Nick Serre Prophetic evangelism

Glynda Lomax Prophetic Evangelism

Word Of Knowledg Gift Play list https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-m0x2n8Al4T51Nqm1BV4Y7k9Q_kj90oV

FIST and books

Overcoming Night Terror Making the Demons Leave https://amzn.to/2D5nb7m
Open Your Eyes my supernatural journey