Moving Toward Jesus

Published: Aug. 23, 2017, 11 a.m.

b'Moving away from hell and towards Jesus what is the difference?

Audio portion of a FaceBook Live broadcast.
Link to the broadcast

There is only One Way to the Father;
Trapped in our personal hell;
Iniquities vs Trespasses;
Sinning against conviction;
Developing an iniquity;
Whosoever sins is the servant of sin John 8:34;
Prodigal son Luke 15:11-32 ;
Hitting Rock Bottom;
Crucifying pride;
Thoughts heart evil continually Gen 6:5;
Ascend with clean hands and pure heart Ps 24:3,4
Isa 14:13\\xa0 For thou hast said in thine heart;
Jesus is THE WAY to the Father John 14:6;
Without him nothing was made that was made John 1:3;
Draw near to God and He will draw near to you James 4:7;
2 Tim 2:24-26 Getting free from sin;'