Episode 84 Hellhounds with Hotdogs accompany Stephen King and Men in Tutus

Published: Aug. 15, 2012, 12:09 p.m.


Episode 84 Hellhounds with Hotdogs accompany Stephen King and Men in Tutus

Delivering Pamphlets for the New Zealand Green Party, Coexisting With Nonhuman Animals and Invercargill Vegan Society Facebook groups (please "like" them!  I need to be "liked"!), Vegan Childrens Books in the Invercargill Public Library.

7m July, August INVSOC potlucks 
15m Carrie clips, societal norms
22m Teddy Duchamp, Stand By Me
29m 11.22.63 Changes in society, smoking tobacco, racial segregation, man on the moon!
33m Jesse Owen, Usain Bolt - differences for ethnically African gold medalist sprinters through Olympic history
38m Kanye West, from "tell PETA my mink dragging cross the floor" to "eating good, vege-tary with the brown rice"
41m A Sociologist puts everything in its place
\\nFull shownotes at
