Episode 68 Changing The World With "Inedible" Vegan Cake

Published: Nov. 17, 2011, 12:30 p.m.

b'Episode 68 Changing The World With "Inedible" Vegan Cake
\\nThe Cookbook for People Who Love Animals, Gentle World, Occupy Invercargill, Mayor Tim Shadbolt, Power Fighting, "Vegetarian" tech journalists.
\\n Steve Jobs the "Vegan"/"Vegetarian"/"Fruitarian" - Nothing to do with Veganism, but one mans trumped up obsession with crazy short term fad diets, Ulva Island poison shows up in fish.
\\nEndangered New Zealand snails frozen to death from climate change (of a refrigerator), whining "dairy" farmers, Too-Small-Battery-Cage-Doors, Clockwork Oranges, Techno Music and MICHAEL JACKSON!!!
\\nFull shownotes can be found here