Psalm 119:33-64

Published: Sept. 25, 2020, 7 a.m.

We are continuing our series of reflections on the Psalms. Each day we will upload a new reflection to the website. We hope and pray that you will find them helpful and that they bring hope during this season. Click on these buttons to read the text of the psalm or listen to a recording of it. You can also listen to the reflection using the audio player below. Read Psalm 119:33-64  Listen to Psalm 119:33-64 Psalm 119 is a celebration of God’s covenantal gift of the Law to his people. As we continue our journey through this psalm, we will reflect on decrees and ordinances. Click here to find the first reflection on Psalm 119. Decrees (Testimonies) ‘edot 23 mentions Decrees or testimonies are what God solemnly testifies to be his will. In the book of Joshua it was the word used to describe a stone being set up as a witness between God and the people when they affirmed their commitment to the covenant (Joshua 24:27). As we saw yesterday, this is part of the story of the people of God. The psalmist says we are blessed when we keep his testimonies and seek God with our whole heart (verse 2). Jesus said his disciples would be his witnesses to the ends of the earth after they receive the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:8). In the same way that the psalmist celebrates God's testimonies, may we be a living testimony to the Holy Spirit's work in our lives. Ordinances (Laws/Judgments/Rulings) mishpatim 23 mentions Ordinances are what the divine Judge has ruled to be right. God is a just God and he loves justice (Isaiah 61:8). Biblical justice is not about revenge or retribution, rather it is about the restoration of what is right and true. Verse 137 – "Righteous are you, O Lord, and right are your rules." Verse 160 – "The sum of your word is truth, and every one of your righteous rules endures for ever." The theme of a courtroom is a familiar one in the Bible. In 1 Kings 3, King Solomon must decide in a case between two women over who was the true mother. God had given Solomon wisdom to make that judgment. He gives wisdom to his anointed ones, to act in the same way. Through his Holy Spirit, that is open to all who love God. The prophet Micah says: "And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God" (Micah 6:8). Father God, may our lives testify to your Holy Spirit living within us. May we act justly, love mercy and walk humbly with you.