242 - The Kindness Challenge with Shaunti Feldhahn

Published: March 6, 2017, 5:01 a.m.

Shaunti Feldhahn, author of the Kindness Challenge: Thirty Days to Improve Any Relationship, is the guest on this episode of Clutter Free Academy.

Kathi and Shaunti discuss what being clutter free in your heart means.  Sometimes we think of ourselves a being kind, but when we learn what all is involved in kindness we realize we have work to do.  They also discuss the difference between kindness and being nice.

Whether you thrive in your life and relationships doesn't depend on circumstances or how others treat you, but on how YOU treat others.

Shaunti invites listeners to participate in her 30-Day Kindness Challenge.

Kathi encourages you to enjoy the free things available on the site.  Take the assessment and use the group resources.