234 - Overwhelmed - Too Much Stuff

Published: Jan. 9, 2017, 4:59 a.m.

Clutter's #1 priority is to keep us feeling overwhelmed.

Kathi and Overwhelmed co-author, Cheri Gregory, discuss how easy it is to be overwhelmed with clutter.  

They go through three of the top things clutter tells you!

1.  Clutter Keeps You In The Past - You hang on to things the crowd out the present.

2.  Clutter Keeps Us Stuck in the Future - You buy things to be something.  Because someday you might need it you hang on to all the clutter.

3.  Clutter Decides We Have Not Earned A Future - Because you have failed with various endeavors in the past, you won't be good at something in the future. Clutter says you don't deserve to move forward.

Listen in and learn how decluttering will free you from the overwhelm.