The Clouse Corner Where Does Your Poop Go?

Published: Dec. 7, 2020, 9:16 p.m.

This week Brennen is giving a sneak peak at what goes on under your floorboards, more specifically your sewage line which is, I think we can all agree, something you don't want anything to go wrong with. what are the proper steps to take to make sure your new home is also not sitting on a giant pile of... well you know. Find out this week on the Clouse Corner!

There are a lot of things to check and maintain when it comes to buying or upkeeping a home but your sewage line isn't one that immediately springs to mind for most people, probably because it isn't a very pleasant to think about. It is however very important. For starters your sewage line is actually two separate parts, the line in the street outside your house which is the cities job to maintain, and the line which connects to it which is yours. Now the test that checks how well the line connecting your house is holding up is called a, "Sewer Scope" and long story short just get one, please it's so gross if something goes wrong with it. Just get the sewer scope!

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Our Opening theme:


By Kevin Mcleod (

Other music (in order used):

“Low Life High Life”

By Dan Henig

“Ruination 2”

By Vibe Mountain

"Chillstep House"

by Alejandro Magaña (A. M.)

Music obtained and Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0